Slater House
El Paso, Texas
Description: Slater house (?)
Other Names:
Address: El Paso, El Paso County, Texas
Original Client: Hughes D. Slater
Historic Inventory:
Architect or Firm: Henry C. Trost
Associated Architect or Firm: Trost & Trost
Dimensions and Orientation:
Wall Materials:
Roofing Materials:
Other Materials Used:
Remodeling and Additions:
Present Owner:
Location of Drawings:
Location of Documentary Photographs:
Remarks: H. D. Slater is listed as an El Paso residential client in an undated Trost & Trost notebook now in the collection of Trost family.This listing is very puzzling, since Slater lived at 520 Prospect Drive from 1910 to 1920, at least. 520 Prospect Drive is a picturesque yellow stone house, which is unlike anything the Trost’s designed. In 1925, later is listed at 516 Prospect Drive, which is a typical Sunset Heights house with no Trost features. Residential also refers to apartments.
Prepared for the El Paso Public Library by Lloyd C. and June F. Engelbrecht under a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities, 1990