Goldstein Residence -1922
El Paso, Texas
Description: Goldstein residence (second)
Other Names: Goodell house; McAlmon house
Address: 2001 North Kansas Street (northwest corner of Kansas Street and Blacker Avenue), El Paso, El Paso County, Texas
Type: domestic: home
Original Client: Judge Abe H. Goldstein and wife Emma
Historic Inventory:
Date: 1922
Condition: extant
Architect or Firm: Trost & Trost
Associated Architect or Firm:
Dimensions and Orientation: two stories, 60 feet, 6 inches x 35 feet, 2 inches
Foundation: concrete
Wall Materials: brick, stuccoed, with exposed brick trim
Roofing Materials: composition
Other Materials Used:
Remodeling and Additions: addition to house designed by Ewing Waterhouse; patio and garden wall designed by David Hilles
Present Owner: privately owned
Location of Drawings: El Paso Public Library: (M-6) 22 sheets, ink on linen, including sheets numbered 1 through 17, with two versions of sheet 3 (second story), and one sheet 14 with details and a second sheet 14 with additional details, and including front, rear and both side elevations (three sheets are not numbered), dated June 22, [1922?]; privately owned: three watercolor renderings, unsigned, of chandeliers for A. Goldstein, and ten sheets of blueprints, partially duplicating the ink on linen sheets in the El Paso Public Library, plus three additional blueprint sheets, containing a narrative description of steam heating installation
Location of Documentary Photographs:
Bibliography: (1) Abe H. Goldstein first listed as resident at 1801 (later renumbered to 2001) North Kansas Street in: Hudspeth Directory Co. El Paso City Directory, 1923(El Paso: Hudspeth Directory Co., 1923).
(2) Mary Margaret Davis, Trost-designed house open to public for benefit merienda, El Paso Times, April 30, 1989, page 3E, history of house and alterations described.
Remarks: Commission no. 2557; second owners were Mr. and Mrs. Joe Goodell. The first house Trost & Trost built for Judge Goldstein is at 1415 Hawthorne , 1912. The third owners were Mr. and Mrs. George McAlmon.
Prepared for the El Paso Public Library by Lloyd C. and June F. Engelbrecht under a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities, 1990