Addition to Globe High School School
Globe, Arizona
Description: Globe High School
Other Names:
Address: 437 S. High Street, Globe, Gila County, Arizona
Type: educational
Original Client: [local school district]
Historic Inventory:
Date: 1919-1920
Condition: extant
Architect or Firm: Henry C. Trost
Associated Architect or Firm: Trost & Trost
Dimensions and Orientation: foundation, second and third story added to back of building
Budget/Cost: $100,000
Foundation: concrete
Wall Materials: reinforced concrete
Roofing Materials: flat
Other Materials Used:
Remodeling and Additions:
Present Owner: local school district
Location of Drawings: the original 1919 are located in the Globe Street School Archives at the high school.
Location of Documentary Photographs: Globe High School Archives
Bibliography: 1) El Paso Herald November 29, 1922 page 1
Remarks: The addition on the back of the building was done at the same times that Trost was working on the Hill Street School. The plans are dated 10 days later that the Hill Street School.
Prepared for the El Paso Public Library by Lloyd C. and June F. Engelbrecht under a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities, 1990.